Instructions for LEGO Transformer Robot

As I started building my first Lego transformer I was a bit disappointed that there were so few instructions on how to actually build a Lego transformer. To rectify that (and also to answer a request), this post shows at least partial steps on how to build the Transformer robot/car shown in

The main message of this post is the general idea and some techniques on how to start building Lego transformers, not the actual brick count and precise placements. Play around with the dimensions and/or the bricks you have, the end results are rarely exactly as planned anyways.

Overall Structure

The robot is built from these fundamental parts:

  • Cabin/window part, which also has the head and arms connected
  • Legs (2)
  • Doors (2)
  • Hands (2)
  • Central piece that connects legs, doors, and back part
  • Back part (or back pack) connected to cabin and also the central piece

As shown above, the ball-joints are in a key position in making the transformer’s robot form.

The Back

Arms (2)

Not as flexible/posable as one might ask.

The Central Piece

The Cabin/Head

I utilized the newish “LEGO Black Plate 1 x 1 Round with 3.2 Shaft (26047)” here to connect the arms to Cabin part. The trick is that the round piece can turn around its axle while being in place between other bricks.

Doors (2)

Again, (26047) was used.

Legs (2)

Here, the hinge (seen below) is opened when the robot stands to give it better support; but not strictly needed otherwise. The yellow brick has a counterpart on the other leg with a hole in it, so it can lock together in the car form. This brings added stability.

I didn’t have a 2×3 plate at hand so I had to use 2x L-shaped plates together instead. There are also probably better/sturdier ways to build the front headlights, so feel free to play around with this part.


After putting it all together:

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